“Calories in minus calories out.” You may have come across this seemingly obvious equation for weight loss. But if only it were that simple.

Food’s impact on your body, your metabolism and your waistline extend well beyond simple subtraction.

In this Mini-Monday, I’ll be sharing the three ways food impacts your body’s physiology.

You’ll walk away with 3 immediately actionable and simple nutrition habits to adopt to produce and sustain the weight that leaves you feeling your best, looking your best and bringing your gift fully to the world.

Watch the webinar recording at the link below and be sure to complete the fulfillment assignment when you’re done! Have a pen and paper ready (or preferred electronic device).

  1. What crummy future are you committed to avoiding by mastering sustained weight loss? What glorious future awaits you through mastering sustained weight loss?
  2. What new action will you begin TODAY? What action will you stop today?
  3. Are you ready for sustained weight loss mastery? Text 312-967-8000 to schedule your 30-minute breakthrough session!
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