Protecting Your Mind: A Data-Driven, Functional Medicine Approach to Cognitive Health and Dementia Prevention Cognitive decline is a concern for many as they age, especially for those with a family history of dementia. If you witnessed your parents or grandparents...
1. Gift yourself with a morning pause immediately upon waking. This could be 2 minutes of deep breathing or 30 minutes of yoga. Why? You are training your nervous system to feel safe in the present moment. When you feel safe in the present moment, you are less likely...
“I’ve tried eating paleo and vegan and low-fat…nothing works! No matter what I do, I can’t lose a pound. In the past three years, I’ve gained 10 more pounds. I’m almost desperate enough to start jabbing myself with one of those new weight loss drugs, even if it makes...
Today we’ll be learning about: What is maca? Might I benefit from it? My favorite maca supplement What is maca? Maca is an adaptogen most specifically known for its benefits related to sex hormones. Adaptogens are a class of natural substances that support the...
As many of you know, I work “remotely, remotely” from Switzerland. This means that a few times per year, I take flights across the ocean to visit family and friends. To tend to my circulation during these long flights, I wear Bombas compression socks. (I have no...
This month, I decided to switch it up and share my reflections on a practice I have found meaningful in my own health journey. My intention in sharing is to leave you with access to elevated – and elevating – health and vitality. 💚 Playing a better game...